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We're Here to Help You


Big or small, we always respond to your questions.

However, our office hours are
Monday - Saturday
10:30 am - 6:00 pm I.S.T.

If an inquiry is sent outside of these hours, we will respond as soon as we are back in the office.

Call or message us during normal business hours at +91 9324368936 or fill out this contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

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Contact Us


Mr Abadi Dadachanji, Founder & CEO
Phone: +91 9820120532
Email: abadi@shazenherbals.com

Mr. Zarman Dadachanji, Head Operations & Business Development
Mobile: +91 9833965847
Email: zarman@shazenherbals.com

E - Mail us at:
For Business Enquiries:


For Job inquiries & applications: Write to us or email your resumes to :